Friday, July 17, 2009


Two of the best fighters/martial artists in DA HOLE WAYD WOERLD duking it out in a friendly contest to the death.

In reality this fight never happened, because nobody beats Chuck Norris. Ever. (text needs to be highlighted due to spoilers on the outcome of the fight)

Highlights: Check out 3:00 for some chest-hair grabbing action!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Gosipnya robot slash alien favorit rakyat Indonesia yang sekaligus menjabat sebagai ketua geng robot gaul Autobots, Optimus Prime, lagi nyari temen-temen baru untuk diajak gelindingan (rollout) bareng.

Be scared, Megatron. Be very, very scared.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Guys+Small Bags=Eyebrows Raised

Yesterday I was hanging out with two of my old friends in the local coffee shop when something caught my sorry eyes.

There's this group of 17-18ish AGJs (no other word to describe it, really) walking to the exit, and the boys are carrying bags. Not just your ordinary backpacks, but these small, slightly-womanly, tas selempang-type bags.

So I asked my friends about it, and they said that it was the same question that they're going to ask.

I mean, what's the deal? It's totally understandable if it were women who are carrying small bags, they use it to put their wallet, handphone, perfume, cosmetics and other God-knows-what thingamajiggers, but boys? What could a human male possibly need to carry other than their wallet and cellphone?

Wallet on the right front or the butt-pocket, cellphone on the left front pocket, keys on the remaining pocket or you could just shove it anywhere.

That's it, right? Bet you those bags doesn't contain anything useful.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Current Obsession: City Bloxx

Lately my eyes seems to be glued to my cellphone's LCD screen. Not because of Facebook (which is slowly gaining points in the boredomness meter) or Twitter (which is just plain stupid). But because of this very fun, requires-heavy-thinking, logic-building game called City Bloxx.

That may be an exaggeration on my part.

No exit option WTF!?

So basically the goal of the game is similar to Tower Bloxx, in which you have to place tower uh... blocks as straight as possible to the highest level without it falling. The better and straighter you build your tower, the more people are going to live in the building.

So much fun! /gay

There are four tower types, blue is the lowest and yellow is the highest level tower. After you build your tower, you place it in a 5x5 square field to make a city. You can't just place the towers wherever you want, careful planning and strategizing is needed (again, lebay) because the higher level towers needed certain colored towers placed beside it--for example, a blue tower is needed in the adjacent square before a red tower could be placed.

OMG so many colors to choose from!!1!

Jadi intinya, setiap gw nganggur, gw pasti ngeluarin handphone dan dengan sigap langsung menu>gallery>games>city bloxx dan kembali mengasah otak dengan permainan asah otak ini (?). Lagi nunggu makanan dateng gw maen, lagi di travel gw maen, lagi naracap gw maen, lagi bokerpun gw maen. Mungkin di angkot doang gw gak maen soalnya takut hapenya dicolong.

And yes, the game's title is one "x" away from being a porno.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Popstar or Donut?

I swear, somebody on the telly just now pronounced Michael Jackson's nick "Jacko" like one would say ""!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Change We Need

A Palpatine-Darth Vader tag team for the top spot of Indonesia's government would be the best thing ever.

Sure, this country probably won't be a republic anymore, stormtroopers will patrol the streets 24/7, and planets will be blown to bits with a giant Moon-sized superweapon.

What's not to love? Plus, the military would look like this:

Move along, citizen

For once we'll have a strict and stern leader, one who's capable of taking action! Yes, he's older than my grandma...

WTF u mean old, bitch!?

...but he's still able to do this:

Die Punjabis die!!!

Awesome, right? Criminals are zapped, justice will be served, and he does it in style. Bite me if that doesn't make Indonesia a safer place to live!

Running beside Palpatine is none other than his personal boy toy Ani Skyw... Darth Vader. Oops, narrowly avoided a Force Choke there, see?

Vader's personal Star Destroyer (or spaceship, for the non-nerds that are unfamiliar with the term) in the early stages of its development

Vader has been Palpy's No. 2 for a long time now, doing mostly grunt works the old man doesn't want to dirty his hands on. This gives the black-armored asthma-ridden more-machine-than-man enforcer lots of experience on the field. With his trusty red lightsaber always at the holster, Vader is ready to show the people of this lovely country that with their combined strength, they can end the destructive conflict, and bring order to the galaxy!

I've had a chance to catch Vader at a press conference earlier this week, and when asked what he thought about his competitors, this is what he had to say:

Epic Win

General elections are coming closer, folks. It's time to make up your mind. Don't vote for anybody else. Vote for them.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Space, the Final Frontier

No, not a Star Trek post, kids.

Space has always fascinated me since I was but a wee lad. Maybe it's the whole "uncharted world"-ly vibe that makes it so interesting, like there's a gazillion of things waiting to be found there right there in the infinite blackness.

Kind of like the sea way back when, explorer dudes such as Marcopolo and Christopher Columbus setting sail into the unknown hoping to find something new. (...and gold). Difference is, the Marcopolos and Columbuses of today wear big-ass white suits with helmets. Guess we could call Space the "modern" sea, huh.

Come to think of it, we could have lived in a Space Age right now! Back in the 1960s, Space WAS all the rage: Sputnik. Apollo 11. THE SPACE RACE. Star Wars. Star Trek. Moonraker (the James Bond movie, not the Bandung-based biker gang). Peope actually thought that they're going to live in outer space in the near future, in space stations, the moon and all that. Though the fad unfortunately wore out after Apollo 11, one can wonder what the world could be right now if the Space Race did continue.

Got the pics from a site called HubbleSite, which my homo friend found using this website called Stumble Upon. Got chills just by looking at the three nebula pictures up there.

Here's to hoping in the next 10-20 years some genius (AHEMSHELDONCOOPERAHEM) finds a way to build a spaceship. If not, well I'm hoping for a breakthrough in time machine department, haha.